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Heads Up LivCo! The Extremist Liars Are Gaslighting You Again!

Updated: Apr 22, 2023

☝️That, right there, is how they do it. They take a little nugget of truth and twist it up into one of their communistic extremists lies to gaslight, shame and confuse; to throw you off the scent of what is really going on.

The TRUTH of the matter is this:

Tomorrow’s Commissioner’s Meeting is anything but what the lunatics on the left want you to believe.

THAT is the meat on the bones of what our commissioners are trying to PROTECT us from. The UN Blue Helmets that the WEF partnership brings. Totalitarianism.

If you agree with our commissioners; the policing of our county should be kept *within* OUR COUNTY, please join on zoom or show up in person, and let our commissioners know you wish to reject FY 2022 HSGP and support the commissioners affirmation of our Constitutional Republic Rights!

🚨 This is the LAST thing our county needs right now 🚨

Tools to provide you evidence and education on the topic are linked below. There is no higher authority in the Republic of the United States than the local elected Sheriff. We do not want our Sheriff's oath to be litigated into global control.


We do not want our tax dollars spent to allow foriegn police bodies in our county.

The county is policed by the Sheriff's WE pay with our tax dollars. WE picked HIM to protect us.

After reading what was provided above, we have to say, FY 2022 and evry bill coming out of Lansing completely violates the constitutional rights of EVERY citizen in Livingston county.

The state police are not allowed in county issues unless OUR Sheriff invites them.

I want my local Sheriff to say what goes in my town!

Not the state!

Not the Fed!


Our tax dollars will be used to globally police us! That is unconstitutional! It is a violation of YOUR OATH!


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