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The Dastardly Deeds of Dirty Debbie...

Updated: Feb 23

We first sounded the alarm back in December of 2023, when rumblings of overthrowing the elected Chairwoman of Livingston county started to emerge:

Here is a timeline of the overthrow of the constitutional conservatives in Livingston County:

▪️January 2023: Jennifer Smith was elected by the majority of Livingston County's Republican Delegates as Chairwoman in a multi candidate,  heated race.

▪️February 2023: Debra Drick announces at the LCRP meeting that she is willing to help coach the delegation for the upcoming 2024 elections. Citing her years of experience working in Lansing and other county offices. Smith obliges, stating it will take all of us working together to keep our county red.

▪️Spring 2023: Jessica Barefield introduced information about Chairwoman Karamo and her inability to fund the upcoming convention on Mackinac Island. Barefeild states that there are no funds and directs delegates to not register or book for the upcoming event.

▪️Summer 2023: Debbie Drick directs delegates on how to "speak liberal" and hosts coaching for future elections. 

➖Chairwoman Smith Hosts a successful Lincoln Day Dinner.

➖2A Day is infiltrated by Livingston Post liberal media. Media was seen questioning Chairwoman Smith's minor child. Rodriguez- Palizzari refuses to remove liberal media after it is discovered they had singled out and questioned minor child.

▪️Fall 2023: Jessica Barefield dishes more dirt on Chairwoman Karamo at county EC meeting. Claiming she's  not a math person,  but Karamo's numbers were not legitimate.

➖Robert Rodriguez- Palizzari enlists Kelli Uphaus to run for County Commissioner  in her precinct to replace Commissioner Smith. States she (Uphaus) must "beg Debra Drick on her knees" to help with funding and campaigning for the commissioners seat and needed to "kiss the ring" of a former state rep for approval.

➖Mrs. Uphaus declined citing dirty play and rejects the tactics used by Rodriguez -Palizzari. She chooses to run independently for school board instead.

➖Mrs. Uphaus confronts Debbie Drick on the LCRP Facebook group, for the use of "kiss the ring and beg on knees" tactics. Drick denies tactics. Post were removed.

➖Jessica Barefield pushes Chairwoman Smith, to denounce Karamo and pick a side. Smith declined to pick a side. Barefeild calls for removal of Chairwoman Smith.

➖Barefield then enlists legal counsel of Warner Norcross & Judd to sue Karamo. This also happens to be the law firm sitting on election fraud evidence from the 2020 election turned over by former Chairwoman Karamo.(Remember the large totes of affidavits wheeled out in Lansing?)

▪️Christmas/New Year 2023:

Chairwoman Smith hosts a successful Christmas Fundraiser.

➖Rodriguez- Palizzari pressures Chairwoman Smith to resign.  Calls for an Executive Committee Meeting to remove her. Rodriguez- Palizzari says she can't raise money and can't rally enough troops for door knocking.

➖Jessica Barefield resigns from the position in LCRP that Chairwoman Smith created for her.

▪️January 2024: The Coup Of Livingston Republican Party is leaked to local liberal press.

➖Chairwoman Smith resigns from the local party after being met with threats and having press show up at her children's athletic events. Shortly after came the resignation of the party Treasurer.

Now we move to election season of 2024.

Debra Drick takes control of the party through her proxies, Rob Rodriguez- Palizzari  (new chairman) and Jessica Barfield (new vice-chair) at the Livingston Republican Executive Committee meeting in January 2024.

Debbie Drick's outward facing role: community outreach and candidate "vetting".

▪️Delegates speaking up against the coup are immediately removed and banned from LCRP social media on day one of new regime's rule. (Do you see a pattern yet?)

▪️Spring 2024: Drick orchestrates candidate classes to train potential candidates on how to run their campaigns.

▪️Summer 2024: LCRP "leadership" changes rules(without a vote) to support only dues paying candidates.  Excludes non-partisan positions of conservative MI Supreme Court Candidates, City/County clerk candidates and school board candidates  that do not pay the county party for their support in the county political circular. Resulting in the loss of the MI supreme court to far left leaning majority and two local school boards to flip to hard left majorities.

Drick's support for school board candidates that pay to play brings in two left leaning school board members who previously helped bring in UoM psychology programs into Livingston County schools to test the effects of shut downs, quarantine and DEI ideology on our children. Also helping to reelect a board member who severely abused his position as board president over his tenure in office.

The election of Drick's lefty picks will have severe consequences for our children. The effects of which we have yet to see as it is only February and a month into their tenure.

That brings us to now.

Debbie Drick has now completed her coup.

She is the newly "elected"(she was the only person to run for the position) Livingston County Republican Party Chairwoman, with dismal delegate numbers because no one wants to participate in the backstabbing and nasty games any longer.

Rodriguez- Palizzari is her vice chair.

Barefield is running for vice chair of the state party tomorrow, and our children have Drick's preferred leftists running their schools and the Supreme Court of Michigan.

All by design.

That brings us to this week. Drick has privatized zooms meant for delegates to garner Q&A's for party candidates running in this weekend's state party elections.  Choosing to exclude and demean candidates that she doesn't see as fit for "the party".

Read Brandon Hall's excellent blog post on the subject here:

Who's party does Debra Drick support?

By all accounts,  it certainly looks like Debra Drick is helping to usher in the blue party to take over one of the few remaining constitutionally conservative strongholds in Michigan. Along with her goon "no long guns in my 2A" Rodriguez-Palizzari, and "I'm not good at math" Barefield (running for state party vice chair).

One thing is for sure. The conservative tank of Livingston county has been blown up from the inside and not a single constitutional conservative in this county is allowed to speak on it without being silenced, threatened, demeaned or run out of their little club. Looks to us like the joke is on the conservatives of Livingston County.

And that, my friends, is how Debbie does Livingston dirty... she's turning our county blue, silencing, and alienating good constitution loving candidates. We are praying for the last remaining constitutionalists fighting for Livingston.


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