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Why are Livingston Co. Leftist Defending FORMER GOP Leadership? ANSWER: They Are the Uniparty

By: The Livingston Lantern Staff

Is standing up for the rights of children with medical handicaps unjust and unfair ?

Is collaborating with other Christian Conservatives to pray before attending a public meeting wrong?

Does wanting Conservative values and leadership in your elected officials make you crazy ?

Does supporting Trump make you wrong?

Does working in teams with other like minded people make you extreme?

No. To all of the above.

According to Maria Stuart of the Livingston Post (left wing rag) all of the above makes you an extremist. No Maria it does not, but you being a liberal making this statement PROVES the Lantern RIGHT - once again:

Maria Stuart and her co-worker operatives at the Post have a 'HOTLINE TO FORMER GOP LEADERS AND THEIR CLOSE ELITIST FRIENDS'.

See the Posts latest on Reckling and friends endorsing a guy who hasnt even said he was running for president!? Why is this news ?

Reckling and her closest allies have yet to show up at a single 2023 meeting of the very party they have ran for over 8 years, collectively, the Livingston County Republican Party. 17 of us, who write for the Lantern, we are all MEMBERS of LCRP and at least half of us have showed up at every single meeting and event hosted by our new party leadership this year.

There has been no sighting of Senator Theis, no FORMER CHAIR Reckling, no FORMER Chair Murphy, no FORMER Vice Chair Ryker, no FORMER right hand man Wiggins, no FORMER Commissioner Zajac or Plank, no Clerk, no Drain Commissioner.

That is all well and fine, since we know, these people all supported Reckling, but the question is: WHY would they NOT support their own party NOW?

We do not understand the WHY.

Why don't they support the lady who founded Mom's for Liberty in Livingston County, rallied parents to keep kids mask free, ended quarantines and subsequently vowed to alter the landscape of school boards across the county. She linked up arms with every parent in every school district, promoted them, pushed them, encouraged them and they did it all without Reckling(She was too busy promoting her PAC - Parents not Politicians.)

What happened ? The PARENTS won the school boards by 65% across the county. The Parents did. The PARENTS.

These parents are the people running the Livingston County Republican Party. It begs the question Maria : WHY won't the OG LCRP support them?

Meghan didn't lose, she didn't run for the job, she should be a professional and support what she built and want to see it thrive. Her actions bad mouthing new leadership, using her OG elitists friends who WORK for Maria Stuart to attack the new leadership that Reckling and Company LOVES to hate on, just shows you that she was always who you thought she was: the uniparty queen.

Quite frankly, we would rather stick to pointing out the extremism of the left and leave all Republicans under the same tent alone, but hey, you started it Stuart.

Today, we at the Lantern will vow, every time Maria, her co-worker and his OG Uniparty friends come up with a story to SEEK and DESTROY the current LCRP leadership, we know that is a smokescreen hiding the very someone or something they do not want us looking at.

Don't worry, we are already LOOKING.


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